RC06 - Political Sociology

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06Jun 2015

Call for Panels for the Next IPSA World Congress (Istanbul, 2016)

Event sponsored by CPS


Call for Panels Now Open!

The Call for Submissions (link) for the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 23-28 2016, is now open! The theme of the 2016 edition is “Politics in a World of Inequality”.

The website for the 24th World Congress of Political Science is now accepting panel proposals (open and closed). Please visit the website http://www.ipsa.org/istanbul2016 for complete details on the congress and its main themes as well as important deadlines and submission guidelines.

*Please note that the Call for Paper submission will open on August 7, 2015. Currently, paper proposals may be submitted to closed panels only, by invitation from the panel convenor.


Appel à contributions en ligne!

L'appel à contributions (lien) pour le prochain Congrès mondial de science politique, qui se tiendra à Istanbul (Turquie) du 23 au 28 juillet 2016 est maintenant ouvert! Le thème de la prochaine édition est « La politique dans un monde d’inégalités ».

À ce titre, le site Web du 24e Congrès mondial de science politique est maintenant ouvert aux propositions de panels (ouverts et fermés). Veuillez visiter le http://www.ipsa.org/istanbul2016 pour plus d'informations concernant le congrès et ses thèmes principaux, de même que les dates importantes et les modalités de soumission.

*Veuillez prendre note que l'appel à soumission de communications sera ouvert à partir du 7 août 2015. Présentement, seules les communications liées à des panels fermés pourront être soumises, sur invitation de l'organisateur du panel.

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16May 2015

Call for Papers: Sessions at ISA Forum of Sociology in Vienna, 10-14 July 2016

Event sponsored by CPS
Call for papers - Deadline September 30, 2015 
The ISA/IPSA Committee of Political Sociology will be present with 12 sessions and 3 joint sessions at the next ISA Forum of Sociology in Vienna, 10-14 July 2016. Everybody interested is kindly invited to submit an abstract before September 30, 2015 directly on the ISA Website: http://www.isa-sociology.org/forum-2016/
List of sessions:
  • Citizenship: Dynamics of Choice, Duties and Participation (organizer: Jurate Imbrasaite)
  • Futures and Pasts in the Future of Political Sociology (organizer: Robert M. Fishman) NOT OPEN FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION
  • How the Past Shapes Struggles for Equality: Contrasting Legacies of Reform and Revolution (organizer: Laurence Morel) NOT OPEN FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION
  • Is Political Inequality Rising, Falling or Staying the Same? (organizer: Joshua K. Dubrow)
  • Parties as Membership Organizations: A Longitudinal Perspective (organizer: Giulia Sandri)
  • Political Sociology and the War on Terror (organizer: Michael Blain)
  • Regionalism Old and New: Between Economy and Geopolitics (organizer: Mikhail A. Molchanov)
  • The Poli-tics/-tricks of Development and the Plight of Marginal Communities in 21st Century South Asia (organizers: Eswarappa Kasi and Julia Guenther)
  • The Political Consequences of Precarious Employment (organizer: Giedo Jansen)
  • The Regulation and Funding of Political Parties in Comparative Perspective (organizers: Piero Ignazi and Eugenio Pizzimenti)
  • The Right in the Southern Cone: Power Dynamics within Political Parties in Brazil, Chile and Argentina (organizer: Stéphanie Alenda) NOT OPEN FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION
  • Transnational Social Movements and European Democratization (organizer: Paul Blokker and Ondrej Cisar)


List of joint sessions:
  • Economic Inequality, Distributive Preferences and Political Outcomes (with RC42 Social Psychology)
  • Elites, the Poor and the Welfare State in Unequal Democracies (with RC07 Futeres Research)
  • Expertise and Interests: For a Sociology of Think Tanks (with RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture)


Further details on sections and organizers' contacts can be found here.


30Mar 2015

Job Announcement: one Post as Assistant Professor in Political Science: Political Behaviour

Sciences Po is recruiting an Assistant Professor in Political Science (Political Behaviour). The deadline for sending an application is May 10, 2015.

Details on the job description, the requirements and the recruitment procedure can be viewed here.

27Mar 2015

25th PhD Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy

Announcement by CPS

The CPS is glad to transmit to its members the following announcement:

25th PhD Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy (September 13 -19, 2015)

Center for the Study of Democracy, Leuphana University Lüneburg/Germany

We are pleased to announce that the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, will host the 25th annual PhD Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group of Political Parties. Participants of the Summer School will have the opportunity to critically discuss current research on political parties and to present their own research projects. Classes will be taught by an international team of leading academics under the direction of Professor Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (Leuphana University Lüneburg).

Thematically focusing on the role and the function of political parties in contemporary democracies, the program is unique among international summer schools. Its theme is high on the agenda of young researchers, with an enormous increase in the number of doctoral dissertations dealing with political parties being observable in recent years.

Continue reading

27Mar 2015

Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences

Announcement by CPS


Linking Theory and Empirical Research Berlin, July 19 – August 1, 2015

We are delighted to announce the 5th Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences. The summer school aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research. The two weeks program creates an excellent basis for the advancement of their current research designs.

Continue reading

24Feb 2015

Vienna 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology. Call for sessions – deadline: 15 March 2015

Event organized by CPS

The CPS will be present at the next ISA Forum of Sociology (10-14 July 2016) with 14 allocated sessions. Everyone wishing to propose a session under the auspices of the CPS should apply directly online by March 15th using the following link: http://www.isa-sociology.org/forum-2016/rc/rc.php?n=RC18. At this stage, the only requirement is a 250 words description of the proposed session with its submitter’s name.

The general theme of the Forum is: The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World

All relevant information, including the various deadlines and types of sessions which can be submitted, can be found on the Forum Homepage: http://www.isa-sociology.org/forum-2016/

Laurence Morel (CPS chair, Vienna Forum Program coordinator)

09Feb 2015

Workshop on Different Aspects of Policy Expertise in and for Political Parties

Event sponsored by CPS

On February 13, 2015, a workshop on Different Aspects of Policy Expertise in and for Political Parties will be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences (Institute of Political Studies and Institute of Sociological Studies) of the Charles University of Prague.

The workshop is organized within the frame of the research project Policy-Related Expertise in Czech Political Parties financed by the Czech Science Foundation and it is held under the auspieces of the CPS and the IPSA RC32.

Further information and the workshop programme can be found here.

20Jan 2015

Conference on Methods in Political Science: A Rainbow of Challenges

Event sponsored by CPS

The IPSA RC06 on Political Sociology is one of the supporting committees of the next conference on research methods in political science organized by the IPSA Committee on Research and Training. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) on September 17-18, 2015.

The deadline for abstracts (250 words) is March 1, 2015.

More details can be found here. For any further query, please contact the IPSA Liaison Representative of the Research Committees at the IPSA EC, Prof. Christ'l De Landtsheer (christl.delandtsheer@uantwerpen.be).

20Jan 2015

CPS panel at the next APSA Annual Meeting

Event organized by CPS

The CPS, which has one reserved panel at the Annual Meeting of the APSA (San Francisco, September 3-6, 2015), has proposed this year a panel titled “How Party Organizations Shape Democratic Outcomes”, co-sponsored with the APSA organised section 5 on “Political organisations and parties”. The proposed panel will draw upon novel data on political party organization in modern democracies collected by a large international research group (the Political Party Database Project; http://www.politicalpartydb.org). The papers are expected to present comparative analyses on questions relating to the way political parties organize in contemporary democracies. These include patterns of party organizational strength, party membership, the degree of intra- party democracy (IPD), candidate selection rules and their impact on descriptive representation (particularly gender equality), and party linkages to social groups.

For more information contact Emilie Van Haute (evhaute@ulb.ac.be)

20Jan 2015

Farewell letter of the past Chair/Introduction letter of the new Chair

Letter of the past Chair

Dear members,

after eight years of chairmanship I leave the charge to Laurence Morel, elected by the new CPS board as chairperson. These years have been characterized by an intense activity of promotion and organization for increasing the CPS presence at the official conferences of IPSA and ISA. This aim has been met, in my opinion. As you can see below, the number of sessions we sponsored covered the maximum numbers of allotted sessions to CPS at each occasion. Moreover, as required by the statutes, we organized inter-congresses conferences. Some workgroups affiliated to CPS have also been particularly active, like the one on ‘Members and Activists of Political Parties’ now chaired by Emilie van Haute. This working group stands as a marvellous example of international cooperation and high quality scholar research. I hope Laurence Morel will stimulate and foster similar groups. CPS is in good health on both the financial and membership side. It has 110 members from ISA and 556 IPSA members interested in CPS activity. The Financial Balance at 31 July 2014 is 3,377 euro. I am totally confident that the new chairperson and the new board will increase the CPS activity on every aspect.

Piero Ignazi

Summary of Activities 2006 – 2014

Panels and conferences: International conference on "Political Parties: the challenge of organization and representation in a period of social and political malaise", University of Bologna, Italy, 10-11 June 2014 14 sessions at the World Congress of ISA in Yokohama, Japan, 13-19 July 2014; International workshop on “Religiosity, ideology and voting in Europe” Milan, 10-12 January 2013; 20 sessions at the World Congress in Madrid, 8-12 July 2012; 16 sessions at the Second ISA Forum of Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012; 16 sessions at the World Congress of ISA in Gothenburg, 11-17 July 2010; 5 sessions at the World Congress of IPSA in Santiago of Chile, 12-16 July 2009; 9 sessions at the First ISA Forum of Barcelona, 5-8 September 2008; International conference on “Class and religion in contemporary party politics”, University of Bologna, Department of Politics, Institutions, History, Bologna, 1-2 December 2006; 4 panels at the World Congress of IPSA in Fukuoka, 9-13 July 2006; 4 panels at the World Congress of ISA in Durban, 23-29 July 2006.

Newsletters: CPS has periodically sent official Newsletters to its members: usually twice per year plus a few extra Newsletters per year depending on the intensity of activities.

Letter of the new Chair

Dear CPS members*,

It’s a great pleasure and honor to take over from Piero Ignazi at the head of the Committee of Political Sociology, and let me first thank you all for having me elected in the new Executive Board, which in turn elected me to the Chair. With the help of Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel, who has kindly accepted to be the co-Chair of the Committee, I will do my best in this four years term to fulfill the main tasks assigned by IPSA and ISA to Research Committees, that is: running panels at the various Congresses and Forums of the two Associations, being present as well at other disciplinary meetings, possibly by means of institutionalized links (like we already have with APSA), organizing academic conferences and research activities through working groups, and disseminating information to members via our Website and periodic Newsletter. In this latter respect, I want to encourage all of you to send regularly to me and to the co-editor Michelangelo Vercesi news or relevant informations about the academic/research activities that you are conducing and wish to bring to the attention of CPS members, or other news you know about and could profitably be posted on our website (just published books, events like conferences, summer schools, Masters or Ph.D courses, vacant positions...). Regarding the CPS activities, the first announcement I want to make is the launching by Ferdinand of a new working group on “Personnalization and Politics”, which will start soon with a broad interdisciplinary call to everybody interested to participate. Beside the other CPS working groups on “Members and Activists of Political Parties”, “Social Movements and Contentious Politics”, and “Political Inequality”, this new working group will form the backbone of the scientific activity of the CPS in the next few years. I myself plan to create a fifth group on “The Transformations of Democracy”, at the crossroad of political theory and political sociology, which could be another pillar of our activity. The CPS is a “big” committee (more than 600 members), with a “big” history, since its foundation by Lipset and Rokkan in 1960, and the involvement of other giants of the discipline like Raymond Aron, Simon Eisenstadt, Mattei Dogan, Juan Linz or Giovanni Sartori, so we should prove worthy of our masters…on the shoulders of which we are now standing…In the meantime, let me wish a Happy New Year to everybody!

Laurence Morel

07Jan 2015

CPS Newsletter December 2014

CPS released the December 2014 issue of its newsletter. You can read it here.

31Oct 2014

CPS activities 2006-2014

ISA 2014



ISA 2012


ISA 2006

16Sep 2014

IPSA RC06 Executive Board/Chairperson - Final Results

Dear colleagues,

the CPS Executive Board has recently been renewed. Laurence Morel (University of Lille - France) has been elected as chairperson of the IPSA RC06 and ISA RC18 committees. The following are the new members of the Executive Board (in alphabetical order):

  • Stéphanie Alenda (Universidad Andrés Bello - Chile)
  • Joshua K. Dubrow (Polish Academy - Warsaw)
  • Anika Gauja (University of Sidney - Australia)
  • Emilie van Haute (Free University of Brussels - Belgium)
  • Giedo Jansen (University of Twente - The Netherlands)
  • Eswarappa Kasi (National Institute of Rural Development - India)
  • Felix G. Lopez (Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada - Brazil)
  • Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (University of Lüneburg - Germany)

Congratulations to all of them!

CPS Staff

04May 2014

CPS conference on "Political Parties"

Event organized by CPS



CPS_Conference_june.pdfHere the programme in PDF

03May 2014

The renewal of the CPS executive board

Dear colleagues,

at the IPSA congress (Montreal, 19-24 July) we will have to select the new CPS chairman. The selection is made by the CPS Executive Board. But before that date we have to complete the procedure for the election of the new members of the Executive Board.

In next weeks (and before the end of May) the CPS members will receive an email with an electronic ballot to cast their preferences.

Please stay tuned -CPS Staff -

02May 2014

The CPS at the ISA and IPSA World Congresses 2014

Event organized by CPS

The Committee on Political Sociology has organised several sessions to the next ISA World Congress (Yokohama, 13-19 July) and IPSA Conference (Montréal, 19-24 July).

The CPS also contributes to the Joint session of RC18 Political Sociology, RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements and RC48 Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change on Rethinking Democracies: Social Movements and Democratic Processes

Here you can find more info and details about the panels at the IPSA Wolrd Congress

Here you can find more info and details about the panels at the ISA Wolrd Congress

31Mar 2014

the newsletter of the CEVIPOL is on line

Madame, Monsieur,

je vous prie de trouver ci-dessous la liste des prochains séminaires organisés par le Cevipol et ses partenaires.


Présentation de la revue Gare de l'Est et conférence sur l'Ukraine, avec Annie Daubenton, auteur de "Ukraine : les métamorphoses de l'indépendance", Buchet-Chastel, 2009

Mercredi 02 avril 2014 En coopération avec le CEVIPOL, Evénement conjoint

18h30 à l'Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles, Grand Place, Bruxelles 1000 A cette occasion, Annie Daubenton, spécialiste de l'Ukraine, présentera ses analyses sur la situation actuelle en Ukraine

Voir www.garedelest.org


« Euromaidan and the Perspectives of Thinking about the post-Soviet Ukraine"

Andrij Portnov

Humboldt University, Berlin,

Vendredi 25 avril, de 12h à 14h, salle Rok kan (date reportée)

Séminaire "Acteurs politiques et sociaux en ex URSS"


Lundi 05 mai 2014 - Mardi 06 mai 2014

International conference: “Football fans and their support to national teams" *** Colloque international: «Le supportérisme des équipes nationales de football»

Le colloque aura lieu dans l'ancienne salle du Conseil, située au bâtiment S (2e étage) 44, Avenue Jeanne à 1050 Bruxelles

Programme cliquez sur le lien.

« 'The European radical left and the crisis: a lost world or still a world to win?" *** ***

Jeudi 08 mai 2014 Luke March, Université d'Edinburgh,

« 'The European radical left and the crisis: a lost world or still a world to win?

Salle Rokkan Av.Jeanne, 44 à 1050 Bruxelles S12.227 12h à 14h

The Russian left: escaping the shadow of Stalinism?

Vendredi 09 mai 2014 Luke March,

Université d'Edinburgh

The Russian left: escaping the shadow of Stalinism?

H 3227, de 14h à 16h


Colloque "Réformer le Brésil"

Jeudi 05 juin 2014 - Vendredi 06 juin 2014 Colloque "Réformer le Brésil"

Un bilan du PT au pouvoir (2003 - 2014)

Plus de précisions sont at tendues et seront annoncées sur le site.

Contact: Frédéric Louault; flouault@ulb.ac.be

Organisation FSP, l'Université de São Paulo et Opalc/Sciences Po).

23Mar 2014

Position Announcement

Full Professor of Social Sustainability

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is currently inviting applications for the position of a Full Professor of Social Sustainability at the Department of Socioeconomics. Applicants should have an outstanding international reputation in high quality scholarship and conduct research on sustainability transitions/transformations including intragenerational and intergenerational aspects. Applicants should have a background in socioeconomics and a proven ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment and are expected to cultivate an environment of interdisciplinary collaboration. Their work relates to core research and teaching areas of the Department, sustainable social, environmental and economic systems in particular. They have an interest in contributing to the policy debate on social sustainability and actively support the science-society interface. Applicants should have a proven track record of excellent teaching and are expected to take an active role in the University’s self-governance. For details of the position, please see www.wu.ac.at/jobs. Applications must be submitted by April 23, 2014.

11Sep 2013

IPSA - 2014 World Congress Montréal

Event organized by CPS

CPS has been allowed to present 10 RC "closed" panels to the International Political Science Association will be held in Montréal (July 19-24, 2014).

CPS members and colleagues are invited to propose a closed-panel.

The deadline to submit closed-panels is October 7. Colleagues interested in submitting a closed-panel are invited to send their proposal to Piero Ignazi (piero.ignazi@unibo.it) by September 30.

Requirement for "closed panels": Title; 250 words abstract; chair; co-chairs; discussants; 4 to 6 paper givers (and their titles)

CPS - staff

11Sep 2013

ISA 2014 World conference (on line asbtract submitting)

Event organized by CPS

Dear colleagues,

CPS has organized 18 panels at next 2014 ISA World Congress (Yokohama, 13-19 July, 2014).

Those who present a paper are kindly invited to submit their own abstract by September 30 (here the link)

CPS - Staff

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