Report Business Meeting Committee for Political Sociology APSA Meeting, Chicago, Thursday August 29
1. Coordination of APSA Meeting activities
Florence Faucher has stepped down as coordinator of CPS activities at APSA Meetings (APSA Related Groups). The Committee for Political Sociology is grateful for all the coordination work done in the past few years. Emilie van Haute will act as the new coordinator on behalf of CPS at APSA.
2. CPS Panels at ISA Conference
The next ISA Conference will be held in Yokohama on 13-19 July 2014. The CPS organizes 18 panels. All details about the panels are available on Deadline for paper submission is September 30, 2013.
3. CPS Panels at IPSA Conference
The next IPSA Conference will be held in Montreal on 19-24 July 2014. The CPS has 10 closed panels secured at the IPSA Conference. Panel organizers have to submit their panel proposals online via the IPSA system before October 7. Piero Ignazi, as chairman, will review the submitted panels.
4. Election of executive board in 2014
The executive committee will be renewed at the next IPSA Meeting in Montreal.