ThePS Executive Board elected for the period 2018-2023 (view) is made up of three officers (President &Treasurer; Vice-President; Secretary ) and five members:

President(interim) and Treasurer Lucía Miranda Leibe, Professor, Center for Research in Social Sciences and Youth (CISJU), Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences, Universidad Catolica Silva Henríquez (UCSH), and FLACSO-Chile.






Vice-President Maricel Rodríguez Blanco, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economy and Law (FASSED), Catholic University of Paris, France






Secretary Işıl Zeynep Turkan İpek, Associate Professor and vicechair, the Department of Political Science and International Relations (French), Yeditepe University, Turkey







Robin Archer, the Director of the Postgraduate Program in Political Sociology, London School of Economics, Australia






Pedro Magalhaes, Senior Researcher, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal






Kasi Eswarappa, Senior Lecturer, Department of Tribal Studies, Faculty of Tribal Studies, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, India






Chun-Chih Chang, Associate Professor of Political Science, Xiamen University, China






Michael Berhard (resigned), Raymond and Miriam Ehrlich Chairin in Political Science, University of Florida, America
