Summary of Activities 2018 – 2023

Main scientific events:

  • Business Meeting: February 24th 2021, held during the IV ISA Forum of Sociology (virtual). Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality;
  • 1st CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: February 25th 2021, online. Presenter: Dr. Gianluca Passarelli, book Preferential Voting Systems. Influence of Intra-Party Competition and Voting Behaviour. Organized by Stéphanie Alenda.Full access here:;
  • 2nd CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: March 15th 2021, online. Presenters: Dr. Joshua Dubrow and Dr. Adrianna Zabrzewska, book Gender Quotas in the Post-Communist World.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • 3rd CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: April 22nd 2021, online. Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Piscopo, book The Right to be Elected.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • Roundtable: “The American Crisis of Democracy”: April 28th 2021, online. Discussants: Dr. Steven Levitsky, Dr. Gisela Sin, Dr. Robert Fishman, Dr. Jeanne Simon.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda;
  • 4th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: May 13th, online. Presenter: Kévin Partheney, book A Political Sociology of Regionalism.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • Business Meeting: July 12th 2021, held during the IPSA-AISP 26 Congress of Political Science (virtual);
  • 5th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: September 24th 2021, online. Persenter: Dr. Laurence Morel, book La question du referendum. Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • 6th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: October 28th 2021, online. Presenter: Dr. Crisóbal Rovira, book Riding the Populist Wave.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • 7th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: November 5th 2021, online. Presenter: Dr. Muriel Surdez and Dr. Eric Neveu, book Globalizing Issues.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • 8th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: December 10th 2021, online. Presenter: Dr. Kelle S. Tsai and Dr. Chun-chin Chang, book Evolutionary Governance in China.  Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;
  • 9th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks With Authors”: May 19th 2022, online. Presenters: Dr. Giulia Sandri, Dr. Patricia Correa, book Digital Parties. Organized by Stéphanie Alenda. Full access here:;


Summary of Activities 2014 – 2017

Main scientific events:

  • Workshop: Different Aspects of Policy Expertise in and for Political Parties (event sponsored by RC18), Charles University in Prague, 13 February 2015;
  • Conference on Methods in Political Science: A Rainbow of Challenges (event sponsored by RC18), University of Antwerp, 17-18 September 2015;
  • How Party Organizations Shape Democratic Outcomes, RC18 panel at APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 3-6 September 2015;
  • ISA Vienna Forum, 10-14 July 2016, RC18 has organized 15 sessions;
  • 24th IPSA Congress, 23-28, July 2016, Poznań (Poland),  RC 18 has organized 13 panels;
  • RC18 panel Political Science and Political Sociology: Opposing, Alternative or Compatible Traditions?, 10th Congress of the Brasilian Association of Political Science (ABCP), Belo Horizonte, 30 August-2 September 2016;
  • Joint SciencesPo Paris/RC 18 and IPSA RC23 conference: Referendum Politics, Policies and Political Effects, Paris, CEVIPOF, 22-23 September 2016;
  • Migrants' Representation. The Role of Parties, Electoral Systems and Mobilization, RC18 panel at APSA annual meeting, Philadelphia, 1-4 September 2016;
  • The Legitimacy of Political Executives in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes, RC18 panel at  APSA annual meeting (31 August-3 September 2017, San Francisco, USA);
  • Redefining Political Sociology, conference organized by CPS and Andrés Bello University (Chile), 11-13 December 2017,  Santiago de Chile.

Newsletters: CPS send official Newsletters to its members twice a year, plus extra ad hoc Newsletters and communications.


CPS Summary of Activities 2006-2014 (link)

CPS Report Meeting at APSA 2013 (link)