RC06 - Political Sociology

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03Nov 2016

CPS Conference in Paris Held in September 2016

The CPS Conference held in Sciences Po Paris on September 22-23 on 'Referendum Politics, Policies and Political Effects of Referendums in EU Countries' (see programm) gathered experts on the subject from all over Europe. Thanks again to IPSA (International Political Science Association) and Sciences Po for their financial support! The Conference will have as an output a book, which is to be published by Routledge next year.

03Nov 2016

CPS Newsletter October 2016

The CPS released the October 2016 issue of its newsletter. You can read it here.

In this issue, you find:

  1. Summaries and Plans of Activities
  2. News from Working Groups
  3. Other News and Announcements

21Jul 2016

CPS Panel at the Next APSA Conference

CPS will be present at the next American Political Science Association (APSA) Conference in Philadelphia, 1-4 September 2016. CPS will promote a panel on 'Migrants' Representation. The Role of Parties, Electoral Systems and Mobilization' (chair: Luis Ramiro; discussant: Silvia Erzeel).

Abstract: This panel examines the drivers of migrant’s political representation in Europe from a Political Sociology perspective. With novel data on all national MPs coming from the Pathways project (http://www.pathways.eu/) for eight European countries – Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom – for the period since the early 1990s, the four papers examine how political parties, electoral systems and mobilization from various groups shape the levels of political representation gained by citizens of immigrant origin (CIOs) – migrants and their descendants – across Europe.

You can access further information on paper givers and paper abstracts here.

19Jul 2016

CPS Panel at the 10th Congress of the Brasilian Association of Political Science

After concluding an agreement for collaboration, CPS will be present at the next 10th Congress of the Brasilian Association of Political Science (ABCP) in Belo Horizonte, 30 August-2 September 2016.

The title of this special session will be 'Political Science and Political Sociology: Opposing, Alternative or Compatible Traditions?'

Please find more information at this link.

19Jul 2016

CPS Conference 'Referendum, Policies and Political Effects in EU Countries'

CPS is proud to announce that a Conference on 'Referendum, Policies and Political Effects in EU Countries' will be held in Paris (France) on 22-23 September 2016. The Conference will be held under the auspices of the Research Committee on Political Sociology of the International Political Science Association (IPSA RC06/ISA RC18); the Research Committee on Elections, Citizens and Parties of the International Political Science Association (IPSA RC23); and the Research Group on Democratic Procedures (PROCEDEM), CEVIPOF. The event is sponsored by CEVIPOF, IPSA Committee on Research and Training and IPSA/ISA Research Committee on Political Sociology.

The Conference is organized by:

  • Laurence Morel (university of Lille & CEVIPOF, Chair of IPSA RC06/ISA RC18)
  • Anika Gauja, University of Sydney, Vice-Chair of IPSA RC23
  • Matt Qvortrup, Coventry University

The Conference will be introduced by a keynote lecture of Guy Lachapelle (IPSA Gen. Secr., Concordia University, Montréal) on: How to organize a referendum to be sure that its result will be respected?

The Conference benefits from two IPSA seed grants.

You may find a detailed presentation of the Conference in English and French, by clicking here.

The full programm can be read here.

19Jul 2016

CPS Panels at the 24th IPSA Congress

The CPS will be present at the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science (23-28 July 2016-Poznań, Poland) with 13 panels on the following topics:

Information on chairs, discussants, paper givers and time schedules and other details can be found here.

27Jan 2016

CPS Newsletter January 2016

The CPS released the January 2016 issue of its newsletter. You can read it here.

In this issue, you find:

  1. Panels Sponsored by CPS at Upcoming Conferences
  2. News from the Working Groups
  3. Other News and Announcements

27Jan 2016

Agreement between the CPS and the Brazilian Association of Political Science

The Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP) and the Committee on Political Sociology (CPS) have concluded in January 2016 an unpecedented agreement consisting in granting the CPS a reserved panel at each meeting of the ABCP, starting from the 10th National Meeting of the Association, that will take place in Belo Horizonte from August 30 to September 2, 2016. The CPS already has this kind of agreement with the American Political Science Association (APSA), but had no formal links until now with associations of political science in Latin America.

27Jan 2016

CPS Sessions and Panels at IPSA and ISA Congresses

The list of CPS sessions at the next 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology (July 10-14, 2016, Vienna) and panels at the next 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science (July 23-28, 2016) has been finalized.

Full information can be found here:

27Jan 2016

New Book Publications








Müller, Rommel and Fernando Casal Bértoa (2016) (eds.). Party Politics and Democracy in Europe. Essays in Honour of Peter Mair. West European Politics Series. London and New York: Routledge.









Morris, Michael A. (2015). Language Politics of Regional Integration. Cases from the Americas. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

27Jan 2016

CPS Financial Report 2015

The CPS produced its Annual Financial Report for the year 2015. It can be consulted at this link.

27Jan 2016

CfP: International Conference 'A Great Transformation?', 10-13 January 2017, Linz

An International Conference on the topic 'A Great Transformation? Global Perspectives on Contemporary Capitalisms' will be held at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz (Autria), 10-13 January 2017. A call for papers is open. ​Abstracts should be limited to a maximum of 500 words. Please, send the abstracts and full papers to great.transformation@jku.at.

  • Deadline for submitting abstracts: 30 April 2016
  • Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2016
  • Deadline for submitting full papers: 30 November 2016

Conference homepage: http://www.jku.at/conferences/great-transformation

More details can be found here.

18Dec 2015

International Summer School of Political Communication, 18-23 July 2016, Milan

ICA-Polcomm & the University of Milan co-organize the International Summer School of Political Communication 'Changing Media Environments, Changing Democracies'. The Summer School will be held on 18-23 July 2016 in Milan (Italy).

Confirmed speakers are: Homero Gil de Zuñiga, Patricia Moy, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Jesper Strömbäck, Dhavan Shah, Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Mauro Barisione, Yariv Tsfati, Stefano Iacus, Catherine deVries, Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, and Marina Costa Lobo.

Lots of info here: www.polcomm2016.unimi.it

18Dec 2015

Call for Panels at Next APSA Annual Meeting (September 1-4, 2016, Philadelphia)

The Committee for Political Sociology (CPS) has the mission to establish a community of scholars who have scientific interest in examining the relationship between political and sociological phenomena. We invite proposals for panels that are broadly relevant to this area. Given the nature of the Committee, comparative panels will be favored. Proposals that are submitted to other divisions/related groups, as co-sponsored panels, will be given top priority in the final selection process.
We also invite offers to serve as panel discussants and chairs.
Please, send your proposals before January 4th to:
Emilie van Haute, evhaute@ulb.ac.be
Organizer & Contact:
Emilie van Haute, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
CPS President & Secretary:
Laurence Morel, University of Lille (France)

21Sep 2015

CPS Newsletter September 2015

CPS released the September 2015 issue of its newsletter. You can read it here.

18Sep 2015

Call for Closed Panels and Papers: IPSA World Congress 2016

The next IPSA World Congress of Political Science will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 23 to July 28, 2016. The theme of the 2016 edition is 'Politics in a World of Inequality' (link). CPS will be present with the following 13 panels:

  • Class voting in a Post-Piketty World
  • Contested Hybrid Democracy: Endorsing or Revisiting the Liberal Model in non-Western Countries?
  • Displacement, Social Movements and Contested Meaning of Land and 'Home': The South Asian Experiences
  • Inequalities in Coalition Governments
  • Land Inequality, Violence, and the State
  • Non-elective Procedures in Divided Societies
  • Political Parties in 'Post-Communist' Europe: Old 'Specifities', new 'Normalities'?
  • Political Sophistication as a Resource of Unequal Political Participation in Democracies
  • Presidential Re-election in Latin America
  • State Responses to Digital Dissent in an Unequal World in the Twenty-first Century
  • Studyng Asylum Adjudication from Below: North American and European Perspectives
  • The Performance of Prime Ministers in Comparative Perspective
  • 'Riots' and Mobilizations against Violent Police Deviances: An International Comparative Perspective

The CPS encourages paper submissions for one of these open panels. The deadline to submit a paper is October 7, 2015. You may find instructions at this link.

The call for open panels is now closed, but the call for closed panels is open until October 7, 2015.
Please, do not hesitate to propose a panel under the auspices of RC06. You may find instructions at this link.

18Sep 2015

Call for Panel(s) on Referundums as Problem-Solving Devices

The CPS  would like to organize one or two panels at the IPSA Congress in Istanbul on the referendum as a crisis-solving device. Everybody who is interested to participate is invited to submit a short written proposal within September 25th (laurence.morel@eui.eu).

Description of the call:
'We see the referendum as a continuation of the negotiations by other means', said Greek Minister George Katrougalos, alluding to Clausewitz famous definition of war. The recent Greek referendum on the debt resolution plan proposed by European bodies and the IMF has revived the much debated issue of the potential impact of referendums on crisis resolution. Admittedly, referendums have often be called in the last decades, especially in Western Europe, to solve problems of internal party or coalition crisis - often on EU issues. But one has probably to come back to Gaullist referendums, or to the referendum on Monarchy in post-war Belgium, to find in Europe a use of the device with such a clear function to unblock a serious crisis at national and international level.
This panel is seeking theoretical and empirical papers about the crisis-solving - or crisis-worsening - potential of referendums, the factors on which it depends, and the ex-ante or ex-post legitimacy of such referendums even when they do not fully meet the requirements of democracy. Beyond the Greek case, case-studies refering to other referendums held in all parts of the world in a context of severe crisis will be very appreciated.

18Sep 2015

New Working Group on 'Democratic Procedures'

PROCEDEM is a new working group of the Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po Paris (CEVIPOF) affiliated to the CPS. Please, find below its official presentation:


Research Group on Democratic Procedures (PROCEDEM )

Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po Paris(CEVIPOF)/CNRS UMR 7048


During the last decades a number of experiments in participatory democratic procedures have taken place. Some of these, such as citizens’ juries or neighbourhood councils, have been quite new, while others, such as public consultations and public inquiries, have been more conventional. Some success notwithstanding, the record of these experiments has been mixed, and the fact that interest in such procedures remains low seems to confirm the prediction, voiced by their critics, that these processes often fall into the hands of minorities. This in turn suggests a renewal of interest in those more traditional procedures that have the capacity to involve a large number of citizens in public and political life. The most prominent example of this is election, but the regular use of referendums and the systematic use of random recruitment of citizens to public office also belong in this category. Each of these procedures refers to a different kind of democracy. Representative democracy, the historical source and symbol of which is the parliamentary organisation – including a protected legal opposition – is based on elections. The direct type of democracy is based on popular votes through referendums while the sortive type of democracy is characterised by the use of sortition or random selection in the choice of officials or representatives (this can operate at a local, regional or national level).

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18Sep 2015

New Book on 'The Presidentialization of Political Parties'

A new book on The Presidentialization of Political Parties. Organizations, Institutions and Leaders, edited by Gianluca Passarelli, has been published by Palgrave Macmillan.

This book considers why the level of party presidentialization varies from one country to another, and how constitutional structures and party genetics affect both the level and the degree it is present. 
Presenting an international collection of case studies from the US, Latin America, Australia, Japan and Europe, including France, Italy, Germany, Poland and the Ukraine, it examines how the presence of presidential features in political parties varies in terms of the constitutional framework. 
Highlights the importance of institutions in political life, the case studies provide empirical evidence that no stable presidentialization is possible outside regimes where a presidential dynamic is introduced by the institutions.

Further details can be found here.

06Jun 2015

Call for Panels for the Next IPSA World Congress (Istanbul, 2016)

Event sponsored by CPS


Call for Panels Now Open!

The Call for Submissions (link) for the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 23-28 2016, is now open! The theme of the 2016 edition is “Politics in a World of Inequality”.

The website for the 24th World Congress of Political Science is now accepting panel proposals (open and closed). Please visit the website http://www.ipsa.org/istanbul2016 for complete details on the congress and its main themes as well as important deadlines and submission guidelines.

*Please note that the Call for Paper submission will open on August 7, 2015. Currently, paper proposals may be submitted to closed panels only, by invitation from the panel convenor.


Appel à contributions en ligne!

L'appel à contributions (lien) pour le prochain Congrès mondial de science politique, qui se tiendra à Istanbul (Turquie) du 23 au 28 juillet 2016 est maintenant ouvert! Le thème de la prochaine édition est « La politique dans un monde d’inégalités ».

À ce titre, le site Web du 24e Congrès mondial de science politique est maintenant ouvert aux propositions de panels (ouverts et fermés). Veuillez visiter le http://www.ipsa.org/istanbul2016 pour plus d'informations concernant le congrès et ses thèmes principaux, de même que les dates importantes et les modalités de soumission.

*Veuillez prendre note que l'appel à soumission de communications sera ouvert à partir du 7 août 2015. Présentement, seules les communications liées à des panels fermés pourront être soumises, sur invitation de l'organisateur du panel.

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