RC06 - Political Sociology

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22May 2020

CPS Annual Conference postponed to october 2021

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CPS Annual Conference Political Parties and Democracy - Internal and External Challenges has been postponed to October 2021. We don't have yet the exact new date of the event but I will communicate it to you as soon as possible. I really hope that this unfortunate delay will allow more of you to join us in Rome next year.


28Feb 2020

[Book Release] Morel, Laurence: "La question dú référendum"

Take a look at the last book of our Vice-Chair Laurence Morel, from Université de Lille (France), "La question du référendum" published by Presses de Sciences Po. 

"Depending on the context of its implementation, the way in which the question is asked, the way in which politicians and citizens take it up, etc. the referendum can have very different effects. Taking up the criticisms of it, the author defends the idea that a renovated referendum could restore the bond of trust of citizens."

Find the book here

25Feb 2020

CPS Annual Conference

The CPS is happy to announce its 2020 Conference, to be held in Sapienza University (Rome, Italy), during October 15th and 16th. The main theme of the event is Political Parties and Democracy - Internal and External Challenges. 

You are welcome to submit your proposals for the CPS section, organized by Gianluca Passarelli (Sapienza University), Stéphanie Alenda (Andrés Bello University) and Julieta Suárez-Cao (Catholic University of Chile).

The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 15th, and for full papers September 9th. Further information on the topics, rules and how to submit the proposals may be found on the following document: Call_for_papers_Rome_CPS_Conference.pdf


21Jan 2020

Newsletter - December 2019

The CPS Newsletter of December 2019 has been released. It includes various announcements and invitations. We invite you to read it and look forward to hearing from you. 

You can find it here: Newsletter_CPS_-_December_2019_.pdf

04Nov 2019

Newsletter - October 2019

The CPS Newsletter of October 2019 has been issued. It includes a farewell from our former Chair and a welcome from our new Chair, that introduces our new Board; a reflection about Political Sociology by our Vice-Chair Robert Fishman; information about upcoming congresses of IPSA, ISA and APSA; and the announcement of new publications.


Continue reading

05Jul 2018







Founded in 1960 by Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan, the CPS comprises both political scientists and sociologists. It represents them as IPSA (International Political Science Association) Research Committee 06 and ISA (International Sociological Association) Research Committee 18. For a detailed description, please visit the page 'About us'.

The board elected for the period 2014-2018 can be viewed here.

Latest News

  • 2018-2022 Board Election: Results (detail)
  • New Newsletter: Summer 2018 Issue (detail)
  • International Conference: Redefining Political Sociology (detail)
  • Article on 'The Interdisciplinary Hybrid: Some Discussions on the State of Political Sociology' (detail)

05Jul 2018

2018-2022 Board Election: Results

Dear Member of the Research Committee on Political Sociology (IPSA RC06/ISA RC18),

the electoral phase to renew the CPS Executive Board for the period 2018-2022 has been closed and the final results are now available. Below, you may find the list of names and the total of valid votes obtained. More details can be read in the final electoral report.

1.   MOREL Laurence 42
3.   FISHMAN Robert M. 38
4.   ALENDA Stéphanie 34
5.   SUAREZ-CAO Julieta 31
6.   TAKEDA Hiroko 31
7.   VERCESI Michelangelo 29
8.   SLATER Dan 28
9.   STEGER Manfred B. 26
10. JANSEN Giedo 24
11. KASI Eswarappa 24
12. ESCOFFIER Simón M. 20

The election of the new CPS Chair will take place in September 2018. The CPS will keep all members posted.

21May 2018

New Newsletter: Summer 2018 Issue

The Summer 2018 issue of the CPS Newsletter has been released. Read it here.

19Jan 2018

CfP: Transition Impossible? Vienna, 19-21 September 2018

The Institute for Social Change and Sustainability of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria) will be hosting an international research workshop  on 'Transition Impossible? Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability'. The workshop will take place on 19-21 September 2018. The main aim of the workshop is to conceptualize recent socio-political developments in modern societies. Both conceptual and theoretically informed empirical papers are welcomed.

Check the dates for submitting abstracts (350 words) and full draft papers (6.000 words):

Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2018
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2018
Deadline for full draft papers: 20 August 2018
Please send your abstracts to: michael.deflorian@wu.ac.at
Please, consider that limited travel/accommodation support might be available.

A detailed descriptiona and relevant information may be found in the extended call for papers.

29Dec 2017

New Newsletter: Winter 2017 Issue

The CPS Newsletter of Winter 2017 has been issued. The newsletter includes a summary of the international Conference 'Redefining Political Sociology', held in Santiago de Chile from 11 to 13 December 2017; the link to read the new CPS statutes to be approved at the next 2018 ISA or IPSA World Congresses; the links to see sessions and panels organized under the umbrella of CPS at the 2018 ISA and IPSA World Congresses. The issue can be read online.

29Nov 2017


Latest news!












The international conference 'Redefining Political Sociology' is approaching. The state of discipline as well as salient topics in various subfields will be discussed by leading scholars from different parts of the world at the Andrés Bello University of Santiago de Chile, 11-13 December 2017.

See how to register and all the relevant information, including an extended programme below on this website.

29Nov 2017

International Conference: Redefining Political Sociology

Conferencia Redefiniendo la Sociología Política

The  International Conference on 'Redefining Political Sociology' will be held in Santiago de Chile on 11-13 December 2017. The Conference will be based at the Andrés Bello University of Santiago, in collaboration with the Committee on Political Sociology (CPS).
Several leading scholars in the field of Political Sociology from different continents will be gathering to discuss the state of the discipline and its different aspects as well as to advance our knowledge of various disciplinary sub-fields. Topics include political elites, gender and politics, social movements, democracy and citizenship, organised crime, and local politics and civil society.
For registration, please follow this link
. Similtaneous translations in English and Spanish will be provided to both presenters and registered attendees.

Here, you can see instead the poster presentation of the event.
Finally, please click here to see the full programme with relevant details:
- English version of the programme
- Spanish version of the programme

17Oct 2017

2018 APSA - Call for Panels and Papers

The CPS is glad to announce that it will be present at the next 2018 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, to be held in Boston (USA) from 30 August to 2 September 2018. The main theme of the event is 'Democracy and Its Discontents.'

You are welcome to submit panel and paper proposals for the CPS section, chaired by Emilie van Haute (Université Libre de Bruxelle) and Laurence Morel (European University Institute). This is the abstractWe welcome panels and papers that aim at understanding the determinants of citizens’ assessment of parties, but also that aim at understanding how these assessments are related to party (elite) resentment among citizens.

The deadline is 16 January 2018 (11.59 p.m., local time)Further information on the rules and instructions as well as the link to submit the proposals may be found on the Call for Proposals page.

21Sep 2017

Reminder - IPSA Call for Papers/Panels Closing October 25th

Dear IPSA RC06, dear Colleagues,

I just want to remind you that the deadline to answer the call for papers/panels for the IPSA World Congress of Political Science in Brisbane, July 2018 is approaching. The period for sending proposals will close on October 25, 2017.

You are very welcome to propose a contribution within the Research Committee on Political Sociology's session (RC 06).
Instructions on how to submit papers and panels (and further information) may be found on the Congress website.

29Jun 2017

New Newsletter: Summer 2017 Issue

The CPS Summer 2017 has been issued. The newsletter includes a call for papers of the next 2018 ISA World Congress; a call for panels and papers for the next 2018 IPSA World Congress; and the announcement of the next Conference 'Redifining Political Sociology', to be held in December 2017 in Santiago de Chile. The issue can be read online.

26Apr 2017

Call for Papers: Redefining Political Sociology Conference

The CPS and the Andrés Bello University are glad to announce a Call for Papers for a Conference on Redefining Political Sociologyorganized by Laurence Morel (University of Lille, France), Stéphanie Alenda (Andrés Bello University, Chile), Joshua Dubrow (Polish Academy of Sciences), and Simón Escoffier (Autónoma University, Chile).
The Conference will take place on 11-13 December 2017, in Santiago de Chile.
The purpose of this conference is to build a debate on the future of political sociology. The organizers welcome papers both with a disciplinary focus or focusing on critical research on thematic subfields.

Abstracts should be sent to: salenda@unab.cl (Stéphanie Alenda) or sescoffier@ichem.cl (Simón Escoffier).
Abstracts can be written either in English or Spanish and should not exceed 300 words. They should include:
• Title of the paper.
• Name, affiliation, and address of all authors, the presenting author (please underline her/his name) should be the person submitting the abstract.
• Name of the panel in which the paper should be presented.

Submissions deadline (abstracts): 10 June
Notifications of acceptance: 29 June
Submission deadline (full papers): 10 November

The full presentation and program of the Conference, the panels, and the list of sponsoring and supporting institutions may be found in the extended version of the Call for papers.

13Feb 2017

Call for Sessions: ISA 2018

A Call for Sessions is open for the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, to be held in Toronto from 15 to 21 July 2018. The CPS has launched a call on the theme Dynamics of States and Identities in Contemporary Global Era (Programme Coordinators: Stéphanie ALENDA and Eswarappa KASI. Chair: Laurence MOREL). You may find details and information by reading the Call_for_sessions). Please, consider that the deadline to reply to this call or to propose other sessions is 15 March 2017.

23Jan 2017

CfP: Political Participation beyond the Post-democratic Turn

The Call for Papers is open for the International Research Workshop on 'Activation - Self-Management - Overload. Political Participation beyond the Post-democratic Turn'. This workshop will be held from 27 to 29 September 2017, organized by Ingolfur Blühdorn and Felix Butzlaff of the Institute for Social Change and Sustainability (IGN) of the Vienna University for Economics and Business.
In particular, the workshop focuses on societies whose political culture has been shaped by the European project of Enlightenment and modernity. Works from scholars from all academic disciplines are welcome. There is no conference fee.

The deadline for paper proposals is 19 March 2017.  More detail and further information may be found in the full Call for Papers.

03Nov 2016

Call for Papers: 2017 APSA Annual Meeting

The CPS will be present at the next 2017 APSA Annual Meeting on 'The Quest for Legitimacy: Actors, Audiences and Aspirations' (31 August-3 September 2017, San Francisco, USA) with the panel 'The Legitimacy of Political Executives in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes' (see detail), organized by Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (muero@uni.leuphana.de). Papers dealing with this topic are invited. The procedure to propose a paper closes on 9 Janurary 2017.

03Nov 2016

Call for Papers: 2017 ECPR Joint Sessions

A call for papers is open for three workshops to be held at the 2017 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops (25-30 April 2017, Nottingham, UK). The workshops are organized by the CPS Working Group on 'Member and Activists of Political Parties' (MAPP). The procedure to propose a paper closes on 1 December 2016.

The topics of the workshops are the following:

  1. Political Parties as Arena for Descriptive Representation (directed by Braum Wauters and Knut Heidar)
  2. Political Leadership and Democratic Innovations: Primaries, Intra-Party Democracy and Their Impact on Political Elites (directed by Giulia Sandri and Antonella Seddone)
  3. Rethinking Intra-Party Cohesion in Time of Party Transformation (directed by Caroline Close and Sergiu Gherghina)

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