RC06 - Political Sociology

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28Jan 2025

Newsletter January 2025

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to share with you the January newsletter from the Research Committee on Political Sociology!

We were honored to receive numerous excellent contributions from over 16 CPS members located around the world, and have compiled them into the newsletter we have attached below.

At a glance, the January newsletter includes: 3 workshop announcements, 6 book publication announcements, 13 paper/article announcements, and 1 prize recipient announcement. 

If you have any publications or news that you would like to share with the community of Political Sociology, please send it to us at this email (rcpscontact@gmail.com) and we'll announce it on our social networks (Twitter: @ResearchCPS), the webpage, and in our upcoming Newsletters. We are also thinking of moving from X to Bluesky, and we'll keep you updated if anything changes. 

All the best,

RC on Political Sociology

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here: Jan 2025 CPS Newsletter_compressed.pdf

16Sep 2024

Newsletter September 2024

Dear members,
Please see below the September newsletter from the Research Committee on Political Sociology! 

We were honored to receive numerous excellent contributions from over 23 CPS members located around the world, and have compiled them into the newsletter we have attached below. 

At a glance, the September newsletter includes: 2 calls for papers/panels, 2 book pre-publication announcements, 6 book publication announcements, and 12 paper publication announcements. 

If you have any publications or news that you would like to share with the community of Political Sociology, please send it to us at this email (rcpscontact@gmail.com) and we'll announce it on our social networks (Twitter: @ResearchCPS), the webpage, and in our upcoming Newsletters.


29Mar 2024

CPS Newsletter December 2023

The last CPS Newsletter is now available. In it, you will find information about the new Board and its composition, brief overview of the CPS activities during 2018-2023 and the latest publications of our members.

We especially want to thank the outgoing aboard for all their contributions made during their tenure: (Stephanie Alenda (President), Robert M. Fishman & Laurence Morel (Vice Presidents), Julieta Suarez-Cao (Secretary & Treasurer), Dan Slater, Manfred B. Steger, Hiroko Takeda, Karina Kosiara-Pedersen, & Michelangelo Vercesi (Board Members)

 We will put forth all our efforts to build upon the work already done.

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here: Newsletter December 2023

02Jun 2023

CPS Newsletter December 2022

The last CPS Newsletter is now available. In it, you will find information about the CPS activities during the second semester of 2022, the latest publications of our members, information about the 27th IPSA-AISP World Congress of Political Science, and more.

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here: Newsletter December 2022

17Aug 2022

CPS Newsletter July 2022

The July 2022 Newsletter is now available. In it, you will find information about the CPS activities during the first semester of 2022; the latest publications of our members, information about the XXI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne 2023, and more.

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here Newsletter July 2022

10Feb 2022

CPS Newsletter December 2021

The December 2021 Newsletter is now available! You will find in it detailed information about an overview of CPS activities during the second semester of 2021; comments on two books presented in the CPS seminar series; the latest publications from our members; information about The Survey Data Recycling Project; a call for Resilient Cities and Migration Governance papers; and information about the Master Degree in Political Sociology at the UNSAM.

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here Newsletter December 2021

12Jan 2022

8th CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks With Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the 8th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Kellee S. Tsai (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and Dr. Chun-Chih Chang (Xiamen University) about their edited book called Evolutionary Governance in China. State-Society Relations under Authoritarianism, then discussed by Dr. Hiroko Takeda (Nagoya University).

You can have access to the full seminar by clicking here.

30Nov 2021

7th CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks With Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the 7th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Muriel Surdez (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) and Dr. Eric Neveu (Sciences Po Rennes, France) about their edited volume Globalizing Issues. How Claims, Frames, and Problems Cross Borders, thereafter commented by Manfred Steger (University of Hawaii-Manoa).

You can have access to the full seminar by clicking here.

10Nov 2021

6th CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks With Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the 6th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Cristóbal Rovira (Diego Portales University, Chile) and Dr. Tim Bale (Queen Mary University of London, UK) about their edited book Riding the Populist Wave. Europe's Mainstream Right in Crisis, commented by Javier Sajuria (Queen Mary University of London, UK).

You can have access to the full seminar by clicking here.

08Oct 2021

5th CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks With Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the 5th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Laurence Morel (University of Lille and Science Po Paris, France) and her book The Question of Referendum, thereafter discussed by Yannis Papadopoulos (Institute of Political Studies, University of Lausanne).

You can have access to the full seminar by clicking here.

31Jul 2021

CPS Newsletter July 2021

The July 2021 Newsletter is now available! You will find in it detailed information about a proposal of collaborative approaches for comparative research, written by Anika Gauja and Karina Kosiara-Pedersen; the latest publications from our members; an overview of CPS activities during the first semester of 2021; information about the Digital Democracy Database project; information about the international conference: Comparative Aspects of Remembrance, Memory Politics and Inter-State Conflict: Eastern, Southeastern Europe, and the Middle East; and an obituary for Ronald Inglehart, courtesy of Pippa Norris.

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here: Newsletter July 2021

15Jul 2021

4th CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks With Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the 4th CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Kévin Parthenay (University of Torus), about his book: A Political Sociology of Regionalism. Perspectives for a Comparison, thereafter discussed by Elisa López Lucia (SciencePo ULB).

You can have access to the full seminar by clicking here.

14Jul 2021

Business Meeting Presentation, IPSA Congress

The RC06 Business Meeting was held On July 12th at the IPSA Congress. You will find attached the PowerPoint presentation at the following link.

Business Meeting Presentation

06Jul 2021

Third CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks with Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the third CPS Permanent Seminar recording: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Jennifer Piscopo, Associate Professor at the Occidental College, about her book: The Right to be Elected: 100 Years Since Suffrage, thereafter commented by Dr. Julieta Suárez-Cao, Associate Profesor at the Instituto de Ciencia Política in the Universidad Católica de Chile.

Click here to have full access to the seminar.



31Mar 2021

Second CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks with Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the second CPS Permanent Seminar recording: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this occasion, we were talking with Dr. Joshua Kudrow, Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and with Adrianna Zabrzewska, Doctoral candidate in philosophy at the Polish Academy of Sciences, about his book: Gender Quotas Post-Communist World: Voice of the Parliamentarians thereafter commented by Dr. Karolina Gilas (Faculty of Political and Social Science, UNAM).

Click here to have full access to the seminar.


25Mar 2021

First CPS Permanent Seminar: "CPS Talks with Authors"

We are pleased to leave you with the recording of the first CPS Permanent Seminar: “CPS Talks with Authors”. On this ocation we were talking with Dr. Gianluca Passarelli, Associate Professor in Political Science at the Department of Political Sciences, Sapienza University (Roma), about his book: Preferential Voting Systems. Influence of Intra-Party Competition and Voting Behaviour, thereafter comented by Dr. Carmen Le Foulon (researcher of the Center of Public Studies, Chile) and Dr. Kenneth Bunker (Elections Observatory, Diego Portales University, Chile).

Click here to have full access to the seminar.

01Mar 2021

Business Meeting Presentation

The RC18 Business Meeting was held On February 24th. You will find attached the PowerPoint presentation.

Business Meeting Presentation

08Feb 2021

Newsletter December 2020

The December 2020 Newsletter is now available! You will find in it detailed information about the panels organized by CPS at next ISA forum and IPSA World Congress, the first session of CPS permanent seminar, as well as news from our members. Remember that we are receiving all year long news from our members (latest publications, calls for papers, event organizations, etc.).

You can access the Newsletter by clicking here Newsletter December 2020.

21Jan 2021

Newsletter August 2020

The CPS Newsletter of August 2020 has been released. It includes various announcements and invitations. We invite you to read it and look forward to hearing from you.

You can find it here: Newsletter August 2020

13Jun 2020

CPS statutes

You will find attached an actualized version of CPS statutes which were revised and approved at the XXV IPSA World Congress in Brisbane (21-25 July 2018), and recently updated.


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